dlb-ChrChslShdw.GIF (2748 bytes)

ScenicsLogo.jpg (8906 bytes)

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CO-RainbowThumb.JPG (4659 bytes)

Rainbow over Mt. Baldy



RainbowFallsThumb.JPG (6676 bytes)

Rainbow Falls



The Ledges



The Ledges in Summer



The Ledges in Autumn



Mossy Forest



Mountain Steam



Snow in the Peaks



US Niagara



US Niagara 2



The Meadows



US Niagara 3



Valley Light



RedDirtThumb.JPG (5089 bytes)

Red Dirt Falls



WavesThumb.JPG (5937 bytes)

The Beach at Roads End



SunsetThumb.JPG (5431 bytes)

Hawai'i Sunset



AmberCoastThumb.jpg (8492 bytes)

Amber Coast



MonoSunsetThumb.jpg (8138 bytes)

Mono Lake Sunset



SafeHarborThumb.jpg (9724 bytes)

Safe Harbor



NC-ChurchThumb.jpg (10585 bytes)

NC Church



MonoLakeSpiresThumb.jpg (9524 bytes)

Mono Lake Spires



YosemiteFallsThumb.jpg (8521 bytes)

Yosemite Falls



HarvesterThumb.jpg (10315 bytes)



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